Creating a Vision Board with Your Best Planner Ever: Turning Dreams into Reality

Vision boarding is a technique used to bring your dreams into reality. We all have a vision of the future we’d like to see, but it usually isn’t well-defined. We might dream of a large family, a successful career, or a special vacation we’d like to take. These visions motivate us while remaining in the mind’s eye.

The Best Planner Ever includes dedicated pages to build your own vision board. These pages are designed to make it possible to make your dreams and vision a reality through words and images. Not sure how to start your vision board with the Best Planner Ever? We can help.



What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of images and words that becomes your vision of the future. It represents all the images floating around in your mind and reflects them in the real world. Vision boards are inspirational, creative projects that express your inner feelings and a future that you want to create. By visualizing the future, you inspire yourself to work toward it and see the steps you can take to bring your dream even closer to reality.

How to Create a Vision Board

Making a vision board in your Best Planner Ever is easy. Let’s go through the step-by-step process of how to use your Best Planner Ever to provide daily inspiration and motivation for the future you desire.

1) Define Your Vision

Start by choosing your board theme; vision boards often focus on one theme, goal, or dream you want to be inspired by. You will often see vision boards that represent a dream vacation, a new career, or even a vision of yourself and your future.  But if you can’t narrow down your vision to just one theme, visualize the future you want to see and all the details that make that future inspirational to you.

2) Find Images that Inspire You

The next step is to start collecting images. Building a great vision board can take just one day or several weeks, depending on how you pick the images you want to include. You can make it a project of love and thoughtful attention or dive into your vision in a whirlwind of picture searches on Google or magazines.

Choose images that inspire you and somehow represent the vision you are trying to create. They don’t all have to connect or look exactly like your vision. Instead, they should make you feel the way you want to feel when you think of your future vision. Sometimes, the representation will be direct, like a picture of the place you want to vacation. Other times,it may be symbolic, like a tree you see as your soul growing strong and beautiful.

3) Choose Images that Represent Your Future

Pick a few specific images that represent the future you are trying to create. Images that evoke emotions are powerful, but you are also trying to bring a specific dream into reality. Find a few images that directly relate to that vision and use them as central anchors in your collage of other images, words, and accents.

4) Pen or Print Words that Reflect Your Vision

Vision boards typically also include a few inspirational words that represent the person you want to become, the virtues that will help you get there, and encouragement to reach for your goal. These words can be stylized on the computer and printed, clipped out of magazines, or hand-drawn.

5) Arrange a Vision of Your Ideal Future

Finally, arrange all your pieces in a beautiful collage on the Vision Board pages of your Best Planner Ever. Choose your anchor images and words, layer images cut them into unique shapes, and fit them together like a mosaic. It’s your vision board, so the pieces should come together to create the vision that you see when you dream your special dream. Perhaps your vision has become more clear during this project, or perhaps it continue to evolve as you put together your board into a visual art project that will inspire you for the weeks and months of journaling ahead.

Vision Board Building Tips

  • Sometimes, searching for pictures first can help you identify your vision
  • Try arranging your vision board in a timeline or by concepts to inspire a meaningful layout
  • If you have two goals, use the separate Best Planner Ever pages to envision both of them, side by side
  • Create colorful backing for images to adjust their shape and size, along with the color theme of your vision board
  • Use scrapbooking techniques like trim and decorations to make the board reflect your personality
  • Print photos of your personal friends and family if your vision involves specific people
  • Use thin lines of liquid glue or a glue stick for good coverage without soaking the paper
  • Spray your vision board with shellac or hairspray to seal the top when you’re done
  • Have fun with it!

Building Your Vision Board in the Best Planner Ever

The Best Planner Ever is more than just a planner or a journal. It’s an inspirational toolkit to help you turn your vision of the future into a plan you can enact one day at a time. Bring about your own dreams, starting with your vision board and realized through daily planning with the Best Planner Ever.


Find the Best Planner Ever for you on our website to get started on your dreams.