Jennifer Dawn photo


I’m Jennifer Dawn,
the Creator of the Best Planner Ever.

As a busy wife, mother of 3, and successful business coach I’ve mentored thousands of business owners and professionals on how to “keep track of it all” without losing your sanity and soul in the process.

I’ve taken two businesses into the millions and I’m working on my third now – but this time around I’m doing it differently. Over the years I’ve learned hard work and focus can certainly achieve results; however, it’s stress-free productivity that delivers a much bigger bang for your “effort” buck.

I kept hearing from my clients and friends:

“I have so much trouble staying organized”
“I feel like a slave to my day”
“There is never enough time to get it all done”
“I’m working harder than ever and I still feel stuck”
“I see other meeting their goals and I just can’t seem to figure it out for myself”

Sound familiar?

I wanted to create a simple tool for myself AND my clients that could easily and effortlessly help to tame the chaos of the day but also help to achieve our goals with less effort.
That’s how the Best Planner Ever was born and yes it’s a daily calendar planner scheduler but it’s also a mindset tool which helps to set you up for success each day.

I’ve combined proven time management strategies with powerful Law of Attraction practices to create a daily planner that does more. More feeling good. More inspired action. More success…and a whole lot less busy work and wasted effort.

The key to getting the most from the planner is NOT to complete every line. Instead, take time to really think about where you want to be. Create a picture of your ideal life on the Vision Pages. Map out the benchmarks to achieve it on the Goals pages. Then, take daily Inspired Action. Say no to anything that doesn’t move you forward. Say yes to self-care, gratitude, and enjoying the ride.

I hope the Best Planner Ever can help you as much as it does for me every day.

Here’s To Living Your Best Life Ever!