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It’s true—to get ahead, you must first know where to go. It may be hard in today’s technologically savvy world to stop and think about your direction; we’re so often pulled in many directions by our apps, alerts, or messages. That’s why in the Productivityist Podcast with Mike Vardy, I address the ways you can use the Best Planner Ever to achieve a better connection to yourself.

Tools You Can Use

Thankfully, inside the Best Planner Ever are tools to help you get in touch and stay connected to your inner drive so that you can recognize your path and move forward on it.

Daily Intentions. Start the day with yourself in mind. Before the day has its way with you, you decide the course of the day’s events. What is your intention? How will you choose to be this day? It’s important to have this component in any business or life planner to set your theme for the day and help achieve focus. No matter what comes your way, you have already determined your outlook.

Post-It Note Repository. The popularity of Post-it notes comes from their ease at making reminders or notes readily accessible. Small, quick, and to the point, a Post-it captures key ideas you want to recall later. However, without a place to consolidate them all, these notes end up littering your space rather than building your productivity. Use your planner to store and organize all your notes in one place.

Gentle Structure. From time blocks to meal planning, choose to use the elements that align with your life. As an entrepreneur, your business is your life, and life varies one day to the next. Today, you may require total focus on appointments while tomorrow, you may need to include a grocery list so you can meal plan and sustain your week’s pace. Find the aspects of the planner that make sense to your life and use them as necessary.

Reflection Sections. A quiet mind produces great thoughts because it can hear and react to ideas. Reflecting brings you through chaos to a quiet space in which you can analyze and consider your world. The few lines for some short reflections create a reminder to allow some time for a quiet mind and some space in which to achieve it.

Commit To Your Process

At the end of the day, the Best Planner Ever is a tool to achieve productivity. Like any tool, the results come from your usage. When you make a commitment to learn the systems within this productivity planner, you will find yourself moving further faster. For more ways to use the planner, listen to my interview on The Productivityist podcast with Mike Vardy, founder, and the creator of TimeCrafting.

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